
In the post Machine Learning with Scala Linear Regression we saw how to develop a simple linear regressor with the aide of the Breeze library. In this post, we see how to develop a logistic regressor classifier for two class classification.

Machine Learning with Scala Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a linear classifier that is the decision boundary is a line or a hyperplane. The logistic regression algorithm is to a large extent similar to linear regression with two notable differences

  • We filter the result of the linear regression so that it is mapped in the range $[0, 1]$. Thus, the immediate output of logistic regression can be interpreted as a probability
  • The loss function that we minimize is not the MSE

Other than that the algorithm is the same. Hence, we use a linear model of the form

$$\hat{y}_i = a x_i + b$$

and we filter it via function so that the ouput is mapped bewteen $[0, 1]$. The sigmoid function

$$\phi(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$$

can be used for such a filtering.

The loss function has the following form

$$L(\mathbf{w}) = \sum_{i}^N -y_i log(\hat{y}_i) + (1 - y_i)(1 - log(\hat{y}_i))$$

where $\mathbf{w}$ is the parameters coefficients with $\mathbf{w} = [a, b]$.

We first import some useful packages

import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.{exp, log1p, sigmoid}
import breeze.optimize.{DiffFunction, minimize}

We wrap the loss function and its gradient calculation into an object class

object LogisticRegression{

  def L(x: DenseMatrix[Double], y: DenseVector[Double], 
        parameters: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {

    val xBeta = x * parameters
    val expXBeta = exp(xBeta)
    val targets_time = y *:* xBeta
    -sum(targets_time - log1p(expXBeta))

  def gradL(x: DenseMatrix[Double], y: DenseVector[Double], 
            parameters: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double]={

    val xBeta = x * parameters
    val probs = sigmoid(xBeta)
    x.t * (probs - y)


This is the class that wraps the linear regression model.

class LogisticRegression {

  // The model parameters
  var parameters: DenseVector[Double] = null

  // Flag indicating if the interception term is used
  var useIntecept: Boolean=true;

  // auxiliary constructor
  def this(numFeatures: Int, useIntercept: Boolean=true){
    init(numFeatures = numFeatures, useIntercept = useIntercept)

  // initialize the underlying data
  def init(numFeatures: Int, useIntercept: Boolean=true): Unit = {

    val totalFeatures = if(useIntercept) numFeatures + 1 else numFeatures
    this.parameters = DenseVector.zeros[Double](totalFeatures)
    this.useIntecept = useIntercept

  // train the model
  def train(x: DenseMatrix[Double], y: DenseVector[Double])={

    // set up the optimization
    val f = new DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]] {
      def calculate(parameters: DenseVector[Double]) = (LogisticRegression.L(x, y, parameters=parameters),
        LogisticRegression.gradL(x, y, parameters = parameters))

    this.parameters = minimize(f, this.parameters)

  // predict the class of the given point
  def predict(x: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {

    require(parameters != null)

      require(x.size == parameters.size)
      sum(parameters * x)
      require(x.size == parameters.size -1 )
      sum(parameters.slice(0, x.size) * x) + parameters(0)

Let's put this into action with a simple example.

import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.optimize._
import breeze.stats._
import engine.models.LogisticRegression
import engine.utils.{CSVDataSetLoader, VectorUtils}
import spire.algebra.NormedVectorSpace.InnerProductSpaceIsNormedVectorSpace
import spire.implicits.rightModuleOps

object LogisticRegression_Exe extends App{

  println(s"Starting application: ${LogisticRegression_Exe.getClass.getName}")

  // load the data
  val data = CSVDataSetLoader.loadRepHeightWeightsFullData
  val recaledHeights = VectorUtils.standardize(data.heights);
  val rescaledWeights = VectorUtils.standardize(data.weights);
  val rescaledHeightsAsMatrix = recaledHeights.toDenseMatrix.t
  val rescaledWeightsAsMatrix = rescaledWeights.toDenseMatrix.t

  val featureMatrix = DenseMatrix.horzcat(DenseMatrix.ones[Double](rescaledHeightsAsMatrix.rows, 1),
    rescaledHeightsAsMatrix, rescaledWeightsAsMatrix)

  println(s"Feature matrix shape (${featureMatrix.rows}, ${featureMatrix.cols})")

  val targets = data.genders.values.map{gender => if(gender == 'M') 1.0 else 0.0}

  println(s"Targets vector shape (${targets.size}, )")

  // logistic regression model
  val lr = new LogisticRegression;

  // initialize the model
  lr.train(x=featureMatrix, y=targets)

  val optimalParams = lr.parameters
  println(s"Optimal parameters ${optimalParams}")


You can find the complete example in this repo.


In this post we looked into how to develop a simple linear regression model with Scala. The Scala numerics library Breeze greatly simplifies the development.


  1. Logistic regression
  2. Pascal Bugnion, Patric R. Nicolas, Alex Kozlov, Scala: Applied Machine Learning