Singular Value Decomposition
Brief introduction to Singular Value Decomposition
One of the most important matrix factorization techniques is the singular value decomposition most often abbreviated as SVD. The reason why is so popular lies on the fact that it is the foundation for many other computational techniques. For example, just to name a few:
- Computing pseudo-inverses
- Obtaining low-rank matrix approximations
- Dynamic mode decomposition
- Proper orthogonal ecomposition
- Principal components analysis
For a complex matrix , its SVD is
where is the complex conjugate transpose. Both and are unitary matrices that is the following holds
In general, if a matrix is a real matrix i.e. its entries are real numbers, then . Thus, if the matrices and are real orthogonal matrices i.e.
The matrix is a diagonal matrix with real and nonnegative entries on the diagonal. The entries are called the singular values of . The number of the non-zero singular values corresponds to the rank of the matrix .
Given the popularity of the SVD method, it is not surpsising that most linear algebra libraries provide a way to perform it. The following script shows how to compute the SVD in Python using numpy
import numpy as np
X = np.random.rand(10 , 10)
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=True)
# or doing economy SVD
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
You can find the documentation at numpy.linalg.svd. Similarly, using the Blaze C++ library
template< typename MT1, bool SO, typename VT, bool TF, typename MT2, typename MT3 >
void svd( const DenseMatrix<MT1,SO>& A, DenseMatrix<MT2,SO>& U,
DenseVector<VT,TF>& s, DenseMatrix<MT3,SO>& V );
Overall, the SVD algorithm is a very important matrix decomposition technique used throughout numerical modeling control theory and system identification. We will see applications of the method in future posts.