
Both polynomial and exponential curve fitting admit best-fit least squares solutions [2]. However, these are specialized cases. Thus a more general framework is needed. In this post, we discuss the gradient descent algorithm also known as steepest descent.

Gradient Descent

Consider the following function [1]

$$f(\theta_1, \theta_2) = \frac{1}{2}(\theta_{1}^2 - \theta_2)^2 + \frac{1}{2}(\theta_1 -1)^2$$

The gradient of the function $\nabla f$ is given by

$$\nabla f = (2(\theta_{1}^2 - \theta_2)\theta_1 +(\theta_1 - 1), -(\theta_{1}^2 - \theta_2))$$

The gradient gives the direction of steepest descent towards the minimum point of $f$ [2]. The minimum point is located in the direction $-\nabla f$.

We are interested in finding $\theta_1, \theta_2$ that minimize $f$. Gradient descent is an iterative algorithm that uses the gradient of the function in order to update the parameters. The update rule is [1, 2]

$$\boldsymbol{\theta}_k = \boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1} - \eta \nabla f|_{\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k-1}} $$

$\eta$ is the so called learning rate and tunes how fast we move to the direction of the gradient. A small $\eta$ slows down convergence whilst a large value may not allow convergence of the algorithm. This is shown in the two figures below:

Figure 1. Gradient descent with eta 0.1.

Figure 2. Gradient descent with eta 0.6.

The code below is a simple implementation of the gradient descent algorithm.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(theta1, theta2):
    return 0.5*(theta1**2 - theta2)**2 + 0.5*(theta1 -1.0)**2
def f_grad(theta1, theta2):
    return (2.0*theta1*(theta1**2 - theta2) + (theta1 - 1.0), -(theta1**2 - theta2))
def gd(eta, itrs, tol):
    coeffs_series = []
    coeffs = [0.0, 0.0]
    coeffs_series.append([coeffs[0], coeffs[1]])

    val_old = f(theta1=coeffs[0], theta2=coeffs[1])
    for itr in range(itrs):
        grad = f_grad(theta1=coeffs[0], theta2=coeffs[1])
        coeffs[0] -= eta*grad[0]
        coeffs[1] -= eta*grad[1]
        coeffs_series.append([coeffs[0], coeffs[1]])
        val = f(theta1=coeffs[0], theta2=coeffs[1])
        abs_error = np.abs(val - val_old)
        if itr % 10 == 0:
            print(">Iteration {0} absolute error {1} exit tolerance {2}".format(itr, abs_error, tol))
        if abs_error < tol:
            print(">GD converged with residual {0}".format(np.abs(val - val_old)))
            return coeffs_series
        val_old = val
    return coeffs_series
coeffs_series = gd(eta=0.1, itrs=100, tol=1.0e-4)
>Iteration 0 absolute error 0.09494999999999998 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 10 absolute error 0.007786932467621618 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 20 absolute error 0.0033734842877468432 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 30 absolute error 0.0017811992002927796 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 40 absolute error 0.001019816407902937 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 50 absolute error 0.0006153302829237615 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 60 absolute error 0.00038497166087553616 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 70 absolute error 0.0002472394968245067 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 80 absolute error 0.0001619172164950512 exit tolerance 0.0001
>Iteration 90 absolute error 0.00010763619875779401 exit tolerance 0.0001
>GD converged with residual 9.934284762933097e-05
coeffs_x = []
coeffs_y = []
for item in coeffs_series:
theta1 = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, 100)
theta2 = np.linspace(-0.5, 3.0, 100)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(theta1, theta2)
Z = f(X, Y)
plt.contour(X, Y, Z, 60, colors='black');
plt.plot(coeffs_x, coeffs_y, 'r-o')



  1. Kevin P. Murphy, Machine learning a probabilistic perspective, The MIT Press
  2. Steven L. Brunton and J. Nathan Kutz, Data-driven science and engineering. Machine learning, dynamical systems and control, Cambridge University Press.